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Plein Air, Rain at Lincoln Park by Ferry dock, 12:30 -1:30pm, 9.25.23

Plein Air, Rain at Lincoln Park by Ferry dock, 12:30 -1:30pm, 9.25.23


Original Watercolor Painting, “Plein Air, Rain at Lincoln Park by Ferry dock, 12:30 -1:30pm, 9.25.23”, watercolor, 22 x 30”, 2023

Lincoln Park is one of my favorite locations to paint “en plein air”, literally “in the open air”, outside, from life.  It was raining while I painted this, from under a covered bbq station near the ferry terminal.  I was intrigued by the rich color available even on the “gray”-est of Seattle days in the rain.  I enjoy the practice of not waiting for the “ideal” conditions to paint.  The exercise of painting in the rain can be fruitful, too.

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Plein Air, Cherry Blossoms to New Growth, 3.25-4.5.24 IMG_4047.jpeg

Plein Air, Cherry Blossoms to New Growth, 3.25-4.5.24

Plein Air, Fairview Mountain and Lake Louise from the Summit of Little Beehive, Banff, 11am-12pm, 8.31.23

Plein Air, Fairview Mountain and Lake Louise from the Summit of Little Beehive, Banff, 11am-12pm, 8.31.23

Plein Air, Afternoon, Discovery Park, 2.12.22, Saturday (1 of 3)

Plein Air, Afternoon, Discovery Park, 2.12.22, Saturday (1 of 3)

Plein Air, After Sunset, 1.7.22

Plein Air, After Sunset, 1.7.22

Plein Air, 8-9am, Lake Union from Westlake, 3.27.23
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Plein Air, 8-9am, Lake Union from Westlake, 3.27.23
