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TV Sharks 2

TV Sharks 2


30.  Original Plein Air Drawing, “TV Sharks 2”, ink, 9 x 12”, 2024

Location: St. Catharine’s, Ontario, Canada

I had a lot of fun sketching sharks while watching a shark-related nature documentary in my hotel in Canada. Since childhood, sharks had been my favorite animals, my favorite drawing subject. Their forms are in my DNA, so seeing video of them swimming and attacking on TV, it didn’t take too much effort to render them fairly extensively. I’ve also studied and drawn sharks from life (for real) in aquariums. This page shows several views of great whites.

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Plein Air, Cow Field Escalante, 9.24.24

Plein Air, 7-8:30pm, Easton Point boat launch hi tide, one blue heron, 7.10.24 20240710_202933.jpeg

Plein Air, 7-8:30pm, Easton Point boat launch hi tide, one blue heron, 7.10.24

Plein Air, Gulls at St. Catharine's 5, 7.25.24

Plein Air, Gulls at St. Catharine's 5, 7.25.24

Plein Air, La Jolla Pelicans 2, 8.18.24

Plein Air, La Jolla Pelicans 2, 8.18.24

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Plein Air, La Jolla Cove, 12-1pm, 8.15-16.24
