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Plein Air, Sunset 10.15.19 over Westlake

Plein Air, Sunset 10.15.19 over Westlake


Original Watercolor Painting “Plein Air, Sunset 10.15.19 over Westlake”, watercolor, 18 x 24”, 2019

I painted this plein air (outside from life) watercolor on a furiously windy afternoon after a challenging day where nothing had seemed to go right.  I worked with a reckless abandon that I’d only experimented with a few times before.  The sunlight was so striking on the wind-whipped water, and I knew any minute it would fall behind Queen Anne Hill, looking west across Lake Union in Seattle.  I’d not studied optical oil painting yet, but at the time, this was one of my strongest pieces, and still holds up for me, representing at the time a high-water mark for my plein air watercolor work.

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Lakeside Crew VIII, 3.14.23

Lakeside Crew VIII, 3.14.23

Plein Air, 2400 S. Hill, 3.8.23, 4:30-5pm
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Plein Air, 2400 S. Hill, 3.8.23, 4:30-5pm

Plein Air, Shade of the Freeway, 10:30am-12:30, 8.23.23

Plein Air, Shade of the Freeway, 10:30am-12:30, 8.23.23

Plein Air, Golden Gardens Marina Afternoon, 1:50-3pm, 2.7.24 IMG_3380.jpeg

Plein Air, Golden Gardens Marina Afternoon, 1:50-3pm, 2.7.24

Plein Air, Heron Studies, 11:30am-noon, 9.28.23, West end of Locks

Plein Air, Heron Studies, 11:30am-noon, 9.28.23, West end of Locks
