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Seated Male Nude with Drapery, After Sargent

Seated Male Nude with Drapery, After Sargent


Original Mastercopy Drawing, “Seated Male Nude with Drapery, After Sargent”, charcoal on cream paper, 8 1/2 x 11”, 2022

In my newsletter and in my watercolor plein air work, my love for the watercolors of artist John Singer Sargent is evident.  Sargent was also very influential to me as a master draughtsman of the human figure, and I’d always wanted to copy some of his charcoal figure drawings.  The original piece I copied is much larger than my version, about four times the size, so it was a bit of a challenge to scale down to 8 1/2 x 11”.  I learned a great deal studying Sargent’s methods of rendering the nude male figure.  Achieving the sense of form and gesture in this piece was challenging and rewarding, made for no larger project, just a careful study of a Sargent drawing for the pure pleasure of it.

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Male Nude Seen From Behind, Right Arm Raised over Head, After Sargent
